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Are debt, credit cards, or student loans controlling you, or are you controlling them? Are your finances a source of freedom or a cause of stress? These signs of a financially healthy woman will help you figure out if money is controlling you, or if you need to take control of your money. “Women need to develop a healthy, honest relationship with our money,” says financial guru Suze Orman. “And we have to see this relationship as a reflection of our relationship with ourselves.” In other words, our financial lives (mortgage payments, credit card debt, emergency savings fund, monthly budget, etc) are part of who we are as women. The serious debt or extreme wealth in our finances directly affects our emotional, physical, and spiritual lives. Here are five signs of financially healthy women… 1. Financially healthy women are aware of their “money personalities.” Did your parents invest in real estate, a secure low-interest savings account, mutual funds – or did they struggle with debt? Your saving and spending habits, investment style, attitude about money, and financial perspective is shaped in part by the way your parents treated money in your childhood. Your money personality directly affects your relationship with money – and the more self-aware you are, the more financial independence you’ll enjoy. 2. Financially healthy women take financial risks . A financial risk doesn’t necessarily mean investing $10,000 in a friend’s new business or charging a $2,500 dollar dress to a maxed-out credit card. Taking smart financial risks includes investing in your career by going back to school full or part-time, taking a mortgage on a small piece of real estate, or exploring ways to earn money from your hobby. 7 items to punch up your business casual wear 3. Financially healthy women have their own checking, savings, or credit card accounts. So many readers make comments on my “Quips and Tips for Achieving Your Goals” blog about how they want to leave their common-law or married husbands, but can’t because they have no money to support themselves. Having a separate checking or savings account is the most basic sign of a financially independent woman…and yet many women don’t have their own source of money. READ MORE HERE How To Make Money Online, Without Spending A Dime