Tag Archives: fashion-feature

WTF? Vogue Italia Runs Feature On “Slave Earrings”

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Vogue Italia’s recent “slave earrings” fashion feature has made heads turn. The same magazine that debuted it’s all-black model issue three years ago has just taken several steps way back. Oh, tell me fashion bible, what exactly is a slave earring? Are there ships and sickles involved? No? Then how can, as you’ve written, a “circular shape” recall the greatest violation of human rights in history? Yup, that’s right folks. Vogue Italia seems to believe hoop earrings are so vintage, they’re “slave”-like. Simple, oversized hoop earrings. The ones all kinds of women wear. But, at 70 words long, let’s just assume this article is void of research. And to make matters worse, as if they anticipated the backlash, Vogue included a disclaimer in the article, giving reason to why us readers would be so wrong if we, ya know, actually thought that by “slave”…they meant “slave.” They wrote: ”If the name brings to the mind the decorative traditions of the women of colour who were brought to the southern Unites States during the late 18th century” – it does -”[then] the latest interpretation is pure freedom.” Riiight. Freedom. From an earring. Shut up, Vogue, you’re not chronicling a women’s movement. Backpedaling as best they could, Vogue has since changed the title to “Ethnic Earrings” because it seems they believe those words to be synonymous, which is even more sad. Check out some of Vogue’s slave selections: Rihanna Named “Woman Of The Year” By Vogue Italia: Do You Agree? Beyonce Rocks Big Hair & Big Fur For Vogue Italia [PHOTOS] Plus-Size Model Marquita Pring Lands Vogue Italia Cover Story [PHOTOS]

WTF? Vogue Italia Runs Feature On “Slave Earrings”