Tag Archives: fatal-february

Logan Paul Plans to "Go Gay" for a Month, Is the Literal Worst

For Logan Paul, mocking victims of suicide was apparently not evil enough of an act. The pathetic YouTube star has now decided he has to go ahead and make fun of the LGBT lifestyle as well. On Wednesday, Paul and co-host Mike Majlak recorded an episode of their podcast “Impaulsive,” during which they discussed unique changes they had been making for just a few weeks at a time. “So our New Year’s resolution … we’re vegan now, and we’re sober?” Paul began. “Just for the month,” Majlak assured him. The two total idiots men said they plan to test out a new resolution each month, with January being “Sober Vegan January” and February being “Fatal February” (“steaks, big bottles of Tito’s and sh-t, just wilin’ out,” of course). As for March? “What is it, Male-Only March?” Paul said. “We’re gonna attempt to go gay for just one month.” We’re sorry, but … EXCUSE YOU?!? “For one month, and then swing … and then go back,” Majlak added. The hosts are seemingly unaware of just how insensitive and flat-out ridiculous this notion is: To simply try out a lifestyle, as if it’s a game or social experiment and not a serious issue for those who live through it everyday and continue to be discriminated against. Thankfully, Twitters users wasted no time at all in lashing out against Paul. “So Logal [sic] Paul is ‘going Gay’ for a month? “This idiots [sic] acting like our sexuality is some sort of monthly subscription! Hope he knows once you subscribe you can’t unsubscribe,” one listener tweeted, while another concurred: “He’s not exploring his sexuality. “He’s mocking gay men and using the lgbt community as a publicity stunt for views, and on top of that, is promoting the false belief that being gay is a choice to his young and impressionable audience.” YouTube personality Donny Winter also weighed in as follows: “Looks like #LoganPaul is going gay for a month. Because a person can just flip a switch and be gay/straight whenever they want. “You’d think you’d learn from your past antics, Logan. Video coming.” About a year ago at this time, Paul also came under fire for filming the body of a man hanging from a tree in what has been dubbed the “suicide forest” of Japan. This is a location near the base of Mt. Fuji. In the since-deleted footage, Paul and his friends laughed, spoke in “funny” voices and repeatedly zoomed in on the corpse. Yes, the frickin corpse . He apologized for the controversy shortly afterward, though most doubted his sincerity. “Where do I begin . . . Let’s start with this — I’m sorry,” he said, adding at the time: “This is a first for me. I’ve never faced criticism like this before, because I’ve never made a mistake like this before. I’m surrounded by good people and believe I make good decisions, but I’m still a human being. “I can be wrong.” And now Paul sort of admits he’s wrong again.  “very poor choice of words… my fault,” he Tweeted in response to the “gonna go gay” scandal, concluding by hyping his podcast: “let’s get together and talk about it on my podcast next week?” We’re gonna go ahead and give you a hard no on that one, Logan. Call us when you understand that an apology doesn’t really count when you use it as a means of self-promotion. Actually, we take that back: Never, ever call us.

See the article here:
Logan Paul Plans to "Go Gay" for a Month, Is the Literal Worst