Tag Archives: father-opened

Miley Cyrus: Fuming Over Father’s Comments!

Miley Cyrus is angry. Really angry. Peeved even. A friend tells Pop Eater that the former Disney star simply can’t believe her father opened up to GQ this manner in such a disturbing, strange manner . “To say Miley is angry is an understatement,” a pal says . “She’s furious that her own flesh and blood would make a private matter so public. Who does he think he is, Michael Lohan?” Reports claim Miley and her father have not spoken since December. We can’t confirm that, but this same source says Miley has labeled her dad’s comments as “unforgivable,” adding: “This isn’t what a father does. He never said a bad world about Hannah Montana all those years it made millions for the family, and now that Miley has turned 18 and is making her own decisions, he does this. Unforgivable.” It’s hard to argue with this insider, isn’t it?

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Miley Cyrus: Fuming Over Father’s Comments!