Tag Archives: favourite-one

Sony Discover The UK’s Answer To Lady Gaga – Alayna Salter

STOP THE MADNESS !!! I’m so so sick of everyone trying to compare themselves to Lady Gaga these days.  Geesh, even September is claiming that Lady Gaga stole her style and now Sony has went and signed this new singer Alayna Slater and the first press release to come out blazes “SONY DISCOVERS UK LADY GAGA”

Read more here:
Sony Discover The UK’s Answer To Lady Gaga – Alayna Salter

My Favourite Lady Gaga Interview So Far…

You know what – this interview isn’t very long – it’s under two minutes, but it’s my favourite one of Lady Gaga’s so far – and it’s with none other than Ellen .

Read more from the original source:
My Favourite Lady Gaga Interview So Far…