Tag Archives: feasable-giant

George Monbiot Girds For Bruising Battle Against The Madness of Vertical Farms

StudioMobile: Vertical farm in Dubai George Monbiot is one of the better environmental writers around, and also one of the most controversial. He acknowledges the fact and says “I find myself at odds with other greens almost as often as I find myself fighting our common enemies. I’ve had bruising battles over a long series of miracle solutions supported by my friends.” And now he is ready to rumble once again, on that issue that is front of mind for every environmentalist: Vertical farms. He writes

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George Monbiot Girds For Bruising Battle Against The Madness of Vertical Farms

Space Truck with Giant Butterfly Nets To Clean Orbiting Trash

Image credit ESA In the ongoing attempt to come up with the best idea for r emoving the waste that orbits the earth , we’ve seen some real doozies for ideas — from launching water to knock it out of orbit to the more feasable giant GoLD balloon . But the US Defense Advanced Research Project Agency (DARPA) t… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Space Truck with Giant Butterfly Nets To Clean Orbiting Trash