Tag Archives: federal-health

Newt Supported Obamacare


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Full stop: Morgen Richmond, who dug the video up, adds: Well, here you have it: not only has Gingrich been a long-standing proponent of a federal health insurance mandate, he clearly and unequivocally called for it as part of the… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : The Daily Dish Discovery Date : 29/01/2012 21:55 Number of articles : 3

Newt Supported Obamacare

This Is What It Means To Say "Let Them Die"


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This is a wonderful ad, and yes, every Republican candidate should have to answer her question. It’s worth noting that the Affordable Care Act is already helping people. Like this couple in Iowa : Daniels has also thought about what would have happened if portions of the new federal health care law had not been in place. His wife’s insurance had a million dollar lifetime cap on benefits. Her current… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Crooks and Liars Discovery Date : 16/09/2011 20:45 Number of articles : 2

This Is What It Means To Say "Let Them Die"

This Is What It Means To Say "Let Them Die"


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This is a wonderful ad, and yes, every Republican candidate should have to answer her question. It’s worth noting that the Affordable Care Act is already helping people. Like this couple in Iowa : Daniels has also thought about what would have happened if portions of the new federal health care law had not been in place. His wife’s insurance had a million dollar lifetime cap on benefits. Her current… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Crooks and Liars Discovery Date : 16/09/2011 20:45 Number of articles : 2

This Is What It Means To Say "Let Them Die"

A blow to Obamacare

A federal Judge has ruled in favor of Virginia’s challenge to the Constitutionality of Obamacare. This is the beginning of the unraveling of this new federal health care mandate. Score one for the Tea Party! They were adamant that the law was unconstitutional and they were right. I wonder if our Massachusetts Congressional Delegation will now admit they were wrong. I won’t hold my breath. On a different note this might be bad news for Romneycare and Mitt’s Presidential aspirations. Continued at http://www.bostonherald.com/blogs/news/lone_republican/index.php/2010/12/13/a-bl… . added by: Dagum