Tag Archives: feed-millions

Jean Campbell in the Shower of the Day

Jean Campbell is a model I’ve never heard of…but she looks so innocent and pure, despite having been a model for a while, that I actually appreciate these pics of her…. I know the truth…and that is that no model is innocent or pure, it’s a disgusting world that they live in, as they have to navigate some real creeps to make it…and it involves a lot of partying, sleaze, drugs, and sucking cock to make the world of modeling working out for them… But in the right lighting, with the right make-up, this girl you know is up on that hipster model fashion party scene…is lovely… Jean Campbell for president of my jerking off to clothed models election of the day…whatever that means…she’s a nasty girl… The post Jean Campbell in the Shower of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Jean Campbell in the Shower of the Day

Dakota Fanning Upper Thigh – Titty Grab Erotica of the Day

Creepy Dakota Fanning is getting frisky in public…I guess that’s what happens when your parents sell you out at the age of 5…you kind of lose sight of what it means to have any privacy….personal life…childhood…you’re just turned into a commodity…like oil in the middle east…or CORN…yes…CORN…the CORN raised by her family…and cut from the husk to feed millions of fat people in a their shitty white trash low level homes…to make her and her family rich…and to make them fat on no substance filler that is her career in acting…not art, not interesting, not moving the minds of the people forward…just fodder to fucking pour butter on and digest… Well, she’s showing upper thigh, grabbing at her tits, and out of context…I like it… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Dakota Fanning Upper Thigh – Titty Grab Erotica of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Dakota Fanning Upper Thigh – Titty Grab Erotica of the Day

Embedded, Featuring Mos Def, Is Coming October 14th

Current Music Presents: Embedded is a six part special that puts you on the ground and behind the scenes with unrivaled access to your favorite musicians. We've traveled the world, going beyond performances to bring you the most intimate and unfiltered moments in artists' lives


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Embedded, Featuring Mos Def, Is Coming October 14th

What Your Meat Really Eats — The Good, The Bad, and The Downright Grody

Ohhh, you really don't want to eat that piece of conventionally raised steak that you just bought from the meat case of your local grocery store, do you? Don't make the mistake that I once did in thinking that if I just eliminated conventionally raised beef from my diet, I'd be okee-dokey. Things are not hunky dorey out there in factory farmingville, and we should all educate ourselves as much as we can so that we aren't unintentionally harming our health

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What Your Meat Really Eats — The Good, The Bad, and The Downright Grody