Tag Archives: female-assassin

Zoe Saldana on Colombiana, Avatar 2, and Fighting the Lack of Female-Driven Films in Hollywood

Much of director Olivier Megaton’s female assassin pic Colombiana coasts on a certain popcorn movie badass factor — lithe star Zoe Saldana as stone-cold killer hell-bent on vengeance for the murder of her family, slinking through missions in skintight catsuits (or less) and gracefully blasting away bad guys with beautifully cold precision in the grand tradition of producer Luc Besson’s most famous female killers. But Saldana feels a more weighty responsibility when it comes to her action heroine debut and how its success might affect opportunities for women in film to follow.

Zoe Saldana on Colombiana, Avatar 2, and Fighting the Lack of Female-Driven Films in Hollywood