Tag Archives: filing-letters

Candice Swanepoel Naked and Engaged of the DAy

Candice Swanepoel is apparently engaged to her longterm boyfriend and no one actually cares because Candice Swanepoel doesn’t matter.. She’ sold and tired looking now, her body still great, but her entire career she’s been uninteresting, uneventful and a total waste of talent and opportunity… Victoria’s Secret took her Rich South African ass and gave it a platform to be scandalous or even fun, and instead they got some bitch who should work in administration, and not the good kind of administration, like administering enemas and objects in her ass…but rather the socially awkward kind that in a pre-internet era would have been in a mail room filing letters… She sucks, her engagement doesn’t matter, but her naked selfie on instagram is interesting enough to post and I guess hEre she is for Victoria’s Secret’s recent catalog…that is cheesy as fuck and the same as it was many many years ago..which I guess is pretty representative of Swanepoel… The post Candice Swanepoel Naked and Engaged of the DAy appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Candice Swanepoel Naked and Engaged of the DAy