Tag Archives: fill-out-diddly

Lindsay Lohan to Be Charged With Grand Theft

Lindsay Lohan’s excuse for walking out of a jewelry store with a piece the owner says she ripped off was that the store let her borrow the thing on loan. The store basically called BS on that, saying they don’t just loan stuff out. There are insurance requirements and lots of paperwork required beforehand. Apparently the L.A. County District Attorney agrees with the owner. Sources say that officials will soon file felony grand theft charges against Lindsay. Lindsay’s freedom in the great necklace caper is riding on her claim that the Venice, Calif., jewelery store owner loaned her the $2,500 necklace in question. Proving that might be a tough task, but proving she’s lying may be equally difficult for the accuser and D.A.’s office. Especially if someone else signed for it. But the simple fact that surveillance video from the store shows LiLo with the necklace and photos of her wearing it a week later were enough for the D.A. If convicted, Lindsay faces a maximum of three years in state prison. Can she beat the wrap on this? It will all depend on what happened at the store, or more accurately, how much of what happened the store can prove. According to a Lohan source, she doesn’t fill out diddly when she “borrows” necklaces … she leaves that to her people, or so pals of the star are saying. Lindsay is telling friends … “I don’t deal with things like that” and blowing it off as a “misunderstanding.” But there’s one issue with the ” on loan ” theory. When she figured it out, why didn’t she just return it to the store instead of sending an underling to the LAPD, just as they were ready to raid her place? That’s what law enforcement likely isn’t buying.

Lindsay Lohan to Be Charged With Grand Theft