Tag Archives: film-importing

Django Unchained Shut Down in China For Unknown Reasons

We all know Quentin Tarantino can’t seem to escape controversy. But in China? Today was supposed to be the Chinese opening day for Tarantino’s latest film,  Django Unchained . But before the film could make a splash, Django Unchained  was pulled from theaters all across China ! The film importing company responsible for bringing  Djang o to China said the shutdown was due to unspecified technical issues, according to Movie Fanatic. Django  was met with some backlash, as well as a bunch of critical acclaim and awards, after its release on Christmas of last year. Could the excessive violence and coarse language be to blame for the shutdown? The film apparently passed the Chinese censors, and had been advertised for weeks. But if you read through some  Django Unchained quotes , you might find a couple things the Chinese government objected to.

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Django Unchained Shut Down in China For Unknown Reasons