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Lindsay Lohan to Lose Linda Lovelace Role?

Is Lindsay Lohan on the verge of losing her role as Linda Lovelace in Inferno? Producers have been patient, but say there’s definitely a Plan B in the works. Director Matthew Wilder has stood by Lindsay through her legal woes, waiting for her to star as the legendary porn star. But he’s exploring all options. After all, Lohan will be in rehab at least until January 3 per court order, and it’s unclear if she’ll be rushing back to work even when she does get out. Will Lindsay’s Linda Lovelace biopic role be there when she gets out? “We have been through a lot here, and although she is still our number one choice – we do have a Plan B if she cannot film Inferno, ” Wilder said. “We have had a great response from other people who really want the part too. But we will wait until Lindsay has fulfilled all of her obligations.” Lohan’s failed drug test in September forced Wilder and his producers to make plans beyond Lohan, who has not signed a binding contract, either. For what it’s worth, Linds has been dong well in rehab and so far has followed the rules imposed on her by both her counselors and the courts. Time will tell if she can really turn things around, and what role work will play in her life immediately following her discharge from Betty Ford. She’s born for this role , though. Here’s hoping it works out.

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Lindsay Lohan to Lose Linda Lovelace Role?

Mel Gibson: Oksana Grigorieva Injured Herself!

Mel Gibson’s latest defense against allegations that he battered his now-ex, Oksana Grigorieva? That the crazy chick actually did that to herself. Seriously. Oksana claims Mel scratched and bruised her January 6, which he denies, admitting only that he slapped her once, not hard, to protect their daughter. As for how she appeared injured in photos taken after the fact? SOMETHING’S FISHY : Mel says it’s Oksana’s story . Mady Shany, Oksana’s facialist, says in a declaration to the court that on January 12, Grigorieva came in for a facial, and she noted, “I noticed there were scratches and bruises around her eyes and on her forehead.” Shany says Oksana told her Mel “punched her and threw her on the bed while she had the baby in her arms.” But was she lying about the abuse ? In Mel’s declaration, he says Oksana is unstable and ” suffers from Trichotillomania , an impulse control disorder characterized by the repeated urge to pull, and pulling, out ones own hair, eyelashes, eyebrows and other body hair.” Mel wasn’t done there either, adding that “During our relationship Oksana often had scratches and bald spots on the side of her head as a result of this disorder (ones she is now, apparently, attempting to blame on me!).” Oksana’s lawyer, Daniel Horowitz, says in response to Gibson’s declaration, “I’ve spent over 100 hours with Oksana and I have never seen her pick her hair or scratch her skin. She just acts like a totally normal person.” Gibson’s camp says his former lover is plotting to extort him, a defense they believe is corroborated by Oksana Grigorieva emails we posted earlier. Thoughts? Who do you believe?

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Mel Gibson: Oksana Grigorieva Injured Herself!

Adam Lambert Unveils Cover, Reveals Release Date for Acoustic Album

First, Justin Bieber announced the release date for his upcoming acoustic album and also unveiled the covert art for “My Worlds: The Collection.” Now, Adam Lambert has done the same. On December 6, fans of the former American Idol finalist will be able to download Acoustic Live! and/or purchase a hard copy off the singer’s official website. The disc will feature acoustic versions of singles from his For Your Entertainment, such as “Whataya Want From Me,” “Music Again,” “Aftermath,” Soaked” and “Mad World.” Visit our Adam Lambert video section today and click around to find examples of this crooner singing with nothing but a guitar accompaniment. The guy has some serious pipes on him, doesn’t he?

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Adam Lambert Unveils Cover, Reveals Release Date for Acoustic Album