Tag Archives: find-out-john

3 Helpful Tips to Keep the V Resistance From Self-Destructing

If there’s one thing I’ve learned from V (other than the fact that retroactive continuity really can exist after just six episodes) it’s that if aliens showed up tomorrow dolling out free health care, humans would put up an embarrassingly ill-conceived resistance. In last night’s episode, Erica and Co. spent the whole hour tracking down the fabled Fifth Column leader John May (Oh hey, Michael Trucco!) so she and Ryan could communicate with the Visitor ship, only to find out John May doesn’t live after all. Lisa drives a wedge even further between Tyler and Erica when she tells him his dad isn’t really his dad, and Chad Decker continues to compromise his journalistic integrity. But week after week, it’s the bumbling resistance that disappoints me most of all. After the jump, find out how our heroes could have worked just a little bit harder to save all our human skins.

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3 Helpful Tips to Keep the V Resistance From Self-Destructing