Tag Archives: find-out-too

Alina Kravchenko Is Red Hot

Since I know it’s my job to pass along the latest up-and-coming hotties’ lingerie photoshoots and not just selfishly keep them all for myself, I guess I should introduce you guys to Alina Kravchenko here. I haven’t been able to find out too much about her besides the fact that she’s Ukrainian and that her booty is an instant pants fire, but if I’m able to discover anything else, like say, what Alina looks like in a bikini, you guys will be the first to know. After I’ve had a couple hours head start to get my marriage proposal translated into Ukrainian, of course. » view all 20 photos

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Alina Kravchenko Is Red Hot

Candice Swanepoel And Adriana Lima Work It Good

According to my sources, the reason super-hotties Candice Swanepoel and Adriana Lima got together to give us this latest fantasy was to announce that Victoria’s Secret will be doing their annual fashion show in London this winter. Man, how disappointing. And no, for once, I’m not talking about the fact that these two forgot to wear their lingerie. See, I really hoped Victoria’s Secret was going to chose my mom’s basement to host the show this year. So much for my big letter-writing campaign. Oh well, better luck next year I guess. » view all 26 photos Photos: WENN.com

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Candice Swanepoel And Adriana Lima Work It Good

Meet Hottie Vanessa Golub

This is the first time I’m doing a post on Vanessa Golub , but after these shots of her doing a sexy swimsuit shoot at the beach, I’m definitely hoping it’s not the last. Because I can’t find out too much about Vanessa, besides the fact that she’s a hot model with an Instagram I could spend hours on, and I have a feeling she could really use the Tuna Bump. But I’m not just doing this out of the goodness of my heart, I’m doing it so hopefully we get to see even more pictures like this in the near future. I figure it’s a win-win. Vanessa gets more gigs, you get more hot beach photoshoots, and I get a very special thank you in my inbox, fingers crossed. Photos: Fameflynet

Meet Hottie Vanessa Golub

Sandra Kubicka Is A Hottie You Should Know

Believe it or not, but this is somehow only my first post on Polish super cutie Sandra Kubicka , even though these lingerie pictures of hers are hot enough to cause a total pants meltdown. So I did my usual 30 seconds of Googling intensive research on Sandra, but wasn’t able to find out too much about her. That said, I was able to find her Instagram , which ought to be enough to tide us all over until next time. Just make sure you have a spare pair of sweatpants on hand just in case. Trust me on this one. » view all 34 photos

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Sandra Kubicka Is A Hottie You Should Know

Abigail Clancy Because I Love Her

She may not be as gifted in the funbag department as some of the other British hotties I post on the site, but I’ve always liked Abigail Clancy . That, and she’s got a pretty killer set of stems, so it balances out. Anyway, here she is launching some new clothing line for MILFs (I’m guessing), and apparently the proceeds go to charity or something. And since I’m always willing to donate to a good cause, at least when there’s a hottie involved, let me get my check book. Then I get to watch her take the sweater off, right? I’m still a little unclear on how this whole charity thing works. » view all 15 photos Photos: WENN.com

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Abigail Clancy Because I Love Her

Isabela Soncini Makes A Sexy Return

Since the Little Tuna, I mean, you guys dug those pictures of Brazilian hottie Isabela Soncini so much the last time , I figured I’d bring her back for some more bikini hotness again today. And while I still haven’t been able to find out too much more about Isabela’s past (unless someone wants to help me translate her Twitter ), I do know what’s in store for her in the near future: becoming the next ex-Mrs. Tuna. As soon as I figure out how to say “Will you marry/divorce me?” in Brazilian, that is. » view all 23 photos

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Isabela Soncini Makes A Sexy Return

Isabela Soncini Makes A Sexy Return

Since the Little Tuna, I mean, you guys dug those pictures of Brazilian hottie Isabela Soncini so much the last time , I figured I’d bring her back for some more bikini hotness again today. And while I still haven’t been able to find out too much more about Isabela’s past (unless someone wants to help me translate her Twitter ), I do know what’s in store for her in the near future: becoming the next ex-Mrs. Tuna. As soon as I figure out how to say “Will you marry/divorce me?” in Brazilian, that is. » view all 23 photos

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Isabela Soncini Makes A Sexy Return