Tag Archives: fishnets-short

Halsey is an InstaThot of the Day

Halsey, a drug sniffing on a Jet Ski in Miami party girl from who the fuck cares, who gets away with sniffing drugs on a Jet ski, and brands still endorse her instead of blacklisting her, since drugs was part of her rise to the top of the charts, you know playing some bullshit party girl storyline, a mixed raced girl who liked the VIP of the club, where she met DJs who let her lay down vocal tracks, while they laid down pipe, a small trade off to get her where she needed to go….because DJs for some reason never get called out for fucking all the party girls, but DJs, some I know personally over the years, since they are all in their 40s now, despite their fans being 17, creepy….never go down for being creeps…. Well, she spent a few years getting noticed, then spent this past year trying to sexualize herself to push her position as a relevant performer as far as she fucking could….and now she’s got her song as number 4 on the Billboard 100…because all it takes is some clever manipulation from every angel…you just gotta focus on the end game and get there by being half naked. She looks better than she used to, so I guess with fame, and success comes face injections to make her easier to jerk off to now that we’re forced to be exposed to her for years to come…because the world doesn’t know how to UNFOLLOW…and fading to OBSCURITY is difficult. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Halsey is an InstaThot of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Halsey is an InstaThot of the Day

Gwen Stefani Panty Flash of the Day

Gwen Stefani is looking more female than she’s ever looked, I guess that’s what is happening in her MAN-O-Pause, the testosterone is dwindling and her female features are finally trying to sexualize herself in a way that makes the audience, who is won over by the marketing, not realize they are jerking off to a dude with really defined ABS…. I guess these are the things you can do with face injections, and the whole showing the world your panties, to prove you don’t have a dick, or that you’re a good tucker and taper…the cowboy way…thanks to Blake Shelton’s Rodeo kills…of “I’m not queer, that’s queer, let’s just rip these off an put them over here, like saddling up a wild stag back home on Okie”…. I never found her hot, or interesting, and her pop ska shit music was shit…but panty flashes…they have a way of winning my heart more than songs about spiderwebs and not speaking… She’s a lot of hype, and here are the panties…being flashed…by an old lady which would be disturbing if she wasn’t vain, skinny and wearing all her tranny make-up….cuz she’s fucking old. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Gwen Stefani Panty Flash of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Gwen Stefani Panty Flash of the Day