Tag Archives: fitting-because

Marloes Horst by Zoey Grossman for Acacia Swimwear of the Day

Marloes Horst isn’t the only whore in the fashion and model industry, her name just happens rhymes with whores…and I find it fitting because I haven’t met a model I’ve never felt would have sex with the right person for money or career…they are puppets who use and rely on their bodies to get paid way too much money…and their substance, beyond being tall, skinny and often times hot….is pretty much non existent…but they do like luxury vacations, expensive restaurants, smoking cigarette and doing blow at clubs, while pretending to be art and above the commercial component of the industry – before signing off to be a promo model for a billion dollar brand like Victoria’s Secret….who rent her out to other brands like this swimwear company…to help promote the mother company…because anything she does is branded VS, that’s their marketing scam….great ass though… The photographer is fake hipster Zoey Grossman, who is getting a lot of work despite all her pics looking the same, soaked in piss and shit to get that film coloring, like it’s the 70s, even though it’s on digital camera….and boring…lacks personality…and her ego and success is undeserving…but with a name like Grossman we can assume her dad owns Hollywood or something…because I am just amazed that Photographer is still a career…JUST USE YOUR IPHONES… TO FOLLOW MODEL MARLOES HORST ON INSTAGRAM CLICK HERE The post Marloes Horst by Zoey Grossman for Acacia Swimwear of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Marloes Horst by Zoey Grossman for Acacia Swimwear of the Day