Tag Archives: fix-something

Jessica Alba Sucks Off Chocolate for Money of the Day

You know they say that everyone has a price. You know that breaking point where you will cross the boundaries of appropriate only to get a payout…it is that “it’s not that bad if I do that for that amount of money” situation.. Well, here’s Magnum ice cream showing you that they hit Alba’s price, because they got some conservative, or seemingly conservative mom of two, to break down her public persona as the hot girl who never really gets too hot, and made her suck off a fucking ice cream like it was a black dude’s cock in a back alley… Now, I don’t know about you, but I find this more degrading than if she was topless in a movie role, yet she doesn’t get topless in movies, she only sucks cock for commercials.. All this say, Jessica Alba is a lying hooker.

See the article here:
Jessica Alba Sucks Off Chocolate for Money of the Day

Magdalena Frackowiak in a Bikini for Vogue Turkey of the Day

Magdalena Frackowiak signed a million dollar contract with Victoria’s Secret a few years ago…and one month after that she offered my friend 10 dollars to help her fix something in her apartment…because she’s from Poland and I guess thinks she’s still in Poland…all communist and shit… Or maybe her Mafia sex trade pimp gets all her money and that’s all she has as spending money… Or maybe she’s just an opportunistic, model who feels entitled and deserving of everything she gets all because she’s nice to look at and has a great body, and the reality is, I agree with her…as ugly man, I know being pretty gets you places and it should…it’s more important than brains, or personality, because you don’t stare or jerk off to brains and personalities… I am into this photoshoot…she’s good…

Magdalena Frackowiak in a Bikini for Vogue Turkey of the Day