Tag Archives: flaunt-photo

Happy 21st Birthday, Kristen Stewart!

OMG. It’s Kristen Stewart’s birthday today – her 21st no less! The Los Angeles native racked up an impressive number of film and TV credits before 2008, but it was then that Twilight launched her into mega-stardom. She’s come a long way since those early brooding, awkward days. Okay, those days are still here, but a little less prevalent for the burgeoning A-lister. With Breaking Dawn set to end the saga, she has a long, bright future ahead of her … hopefully with co-star Robert Pattinson by her side throughout. Click to enlarge some of our favorite Kristen Stewart pictures and be sure to wish the actress a happy 21st birthday by leaving a comment below …

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Happy 21st Birthday, Kristen Stewart!

Is Kristen Stewart a Bad Role Model?

Stop us if you’ve heard this before: A popular Twilight Saga star has posed for a magazine with a cigarette prominently on display. He/she looks happy to be smoking it, causing a growing controversy over one’s freedom of personal choice versus one’s responsibility to a large, young fan base. No, we’re not referring to Robert Pattinson. That actor was photographed puffing away in January , during a shoot with Wonderland magazine. In a poll of THG readers , 41% thought Rob was setting a bad example. But this time we’re talking about Pattinson’s likely girlfriend, Kristen Stewart. She’s the cover girl for the April issue of Flaunt and is surrounded by smoke in the photo from it below: Once again, sides will be drawn on this topic. Smoking is perfectly legal and who is anyone to tell Kristen what to do with her lungs? But isn’t she also a role model for millions of teenagers, whether she wants to be or not? If she was caught with a sex tape, would we argue that it was a legal act and she was free to use her vagina as she sees fit? Sound off on this question now: Is Stewart setting a bad example by smoking in a magazine? Debate this issue and check out two more pics of Kristen from Flaunt below.