Tag Archives: food-movement

Geysers Explode With Energy and Life (Slideshow)

Photo credit: Wikimedia Commons When huge volcanoes erupt , sending ash miles into the atmosphere and shutting down air travel for entire continents, the world can’t help but take notice . Yet everyday, around the planet, smaller displays of geothermal force take place. Sometimes, it’s fairly static, like a gently simmering hot spring, and other times it’s explosive—albeit less so than

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Geysers Explode With Energy and Life (Slideshow)

Who Are the Real Eco-Snobs? Non-Greens Judge Too

Image credit: Lisamarie Babik , used under Creative Commons license. When I wrote about Tom Philpott’s assertion that locavores can be snobby , I was roundly derided by commenters who chided me for contributing to a false stereotype. While I would maintain that there is a problem with snobbery and judgmentalism in the sustainable food movement, and environmentalism in general, I must also concede that these commenters ma… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Who Are the Real Eco-Snobs? Non-Greens Judge Too