Tag Archives: forgotten-she

Justine Skye Bikini for W Magazine of the Day

Well these colored folk sure have come a long way from the slave days…haven’t they, running the music scene, running the pop culture, running Olympic Gymnastics and Swimming, and even acting in movies and not as the token…setting trends in fashion and art…but one could argue, they are still just slaving for the white man, and people could argue that the white man just uses them to shut people up…and this is all part of the white agenda to whitewash America…and pretend that Black Lives Don’t matter…but they aren’t racist because they gave Justine Skye a shitty record deal…because I’ve never heard of her…or they’ve let Jay Z and Beyonce exploit themselves and their craft for money…to the point of singing about money…pretty trashy… Now I don’t know who Justine Skye is, but she’s in a bikini for W Magazine, and I think we can all agree that we are all one color, the human color, and all you racists need to start having sex with those races you hate, because I’m sure after white Sally from the south gets her pussy pounded inside out – or Herb the Hick gets ridden by a black goddess like she was doing a tribal fucking voodoo dance…he’d be less about shooting her the second the government gave him permission to…and more into shooting loads inside her and making babies…they are a fertile people…just go to Walmart… I find it so ridiculous how we’re still having race issues in America, while every single white kid wants to act like a hip hop gangster, you’d think that’d carry the nation – but divide and conquer or something.. The post Justine Skye Bikini for W Magazine of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Justine Skye Bikini for W Magazine of the Day

Rachel Bilson Blowing Bubbles and Eating Ice Cream of the DAy

Rachel Bilson really likes putting up pictures of her mouth… I think she was more fun to write about when I thought she was kept in a cage when living up at her husband who I assumed kidnapped her’s farm…in Canada…but she ended up sticking it out with him, making babies with him, and may still be under his spell, and maybe this is her version of a safe work, “notice me, I am mouthing S-O-S”….but maybe I am reading into things wrong – because when I think of mouths I think of getting my dick sucked and when I see girls post pics of their mouths – I think – they want to give blowjobs – and there’s no way – she’s not trying to manipulate us someway or another…because not everyone has forgotten she exists, just most people have forgotten she exists…not her core fans, those OC weirdos are still in love and can’t move on…creepy…you’re creepy… The post Rachel Bilson Blowing Bubbles and Eating Ice Cream of the DAy appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Rachel Bilson Blowing Bubbles and Eating Ice Cream of the DAy

Twitter Files: Star Jones Claps Back At NeNe With Classy, Obvious Subliminals

NeNe must have forgotten she was out of her arena when she tried to go at Star Jones. And now she has her response… Which Star swears won’t start drama… but anything NeNe touches is drama-filled. So here goes round… we really haven’t been paying that much attention, so we’ll say 3. But let’s not forget: Star Jones grew up in Jersey. Which means she has at least one relative willing to take it there with NeNe. Enter Star’s sister Sheila. We have no doubt that if this were an actual fight in the hood, Star and her people would win. But here’s how Ms. Jones is winning now: while NeNe is out there looking like the Queen Hoodrat, Star is raising awareness to a good cause. Flip the page to see how.

Read the original here:
Twitter Files: Star Jones Claps Back At NeNe With Classy, Obvious Subliminals