Tag Archives: four-year-old

Amanda Bynes Fights Photographer, Doesn’t Like the Way She Looked in That First Pic

Amanda Bynes’ bizarre behavior continued this week as the embattled former teen star got into a scuffle with a paparazzo … and it’s a lot weirder than you think. The tussle caught on tape by ET as Bynes was down Sunset Blvd. in Hollywood, shielding her face from being photographed. That part was pretty standard. Then she strangely came over, Amanda she didn’t like the way she looked, and tried to reason with the guy, flattering him into deleting the first photo of her.

Jeffrey Gutt on The X Factor: AWWWW!

Ladies and gentlemen, we have an X Factor champion! Say hello to Jeffrey Gutt. Granted, it might be a little early to hand this contestant the crown, but he absolutely blew the judges and the attendees in Greensboro away last night, belting out an incredible version of “Hallelujah” and then bringing his four-year old son on stage to bask in the applause. It may have been a heavily produced conclusion to the audition, but that doesn’t take away from Gutt’s impressive vocals. You will be seeing this man again on stage. Enjoy his performance now:

VIDEO: 4-Year-Old Learns Vader is Luke’s Father, Is Shocked

File under Adorbs: Four-year-old Faris watched Star Wars: Episode V — The Empire Strikes Back for the first time and was shocked, shocked by its big reveal. Watch his little jaw drop in the video below and hearken back to the first time you saw the sci-fi classic. Just wait til he watches Return of the Jedi and figures out why that Luke-Leia make-out session was so, so wrong.

See the rest here:
VIDEO: 4-Year-Old Learns Vader is Luke’s Father, Is Shocked