Tag Archives: frank-dillane

Which of These 5 Finalists Should Play Spider-Man?

Now that the wild and woolly Captain America casting process has concluded, fanboys need another comic book hero to tout rising actors for. Fortunately, Marc Webb is still working hard on his Spider-Man reboot, and according to THR , he’s narrowed his shortlist down to five young men. Among them are three Brits and two Verge alums, and each of these rising young actors has his pros and cons. Let’s take a closer look.

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Which of These 5 Finalists Should Play Spider-Man?

‘American Idol’ Expert Jim Cantiello Live-Blogged The Finale

Stick with him all night for the surprises, Simon’s farewell and, of course, the winner.

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‘American Idol’ Expert Jim Cantiello Live-Blogged The Finale