Tag Archives: free-cameras

Rihanna Bikini Hustle of the Day

I appreciate that Rihanna is being her own paparazzi….cuz the paparzzi fucking suck and the more these famous bitches promote themselves through hot pics…giving them the smut for free….the happier I am as a guy with a blog…cuz I’m not about to pay a motherfucker for this shit…. I guess what I’m saying here is Thanks Rihanna for being so cool….keep up the half naked pics…cuz they make me happy and it is all about me… But seriously – bitch needs to update her camera – she’s worse than my at taking pics…and she could have all the free cameras she desires…but instead chooses her free phone she got on contract back in barbados or some shit…who cares NOW HERE ARE THE PAPARZZI PICS OF THIS BITCH IN THIS BIKINI

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Rihanna Bikini Hustle of the Day