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Freeway Undergoes Successful Kidney Transplant Surgery

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Source: @Justinmyview / R1 Digital Back in 2015, Philly rapper Freeway announced he was diagnosed with End Stage Renal Disease . It’s the highest level of chronic kidney disease that affects the organs’ ability to purify the body’s blood. Free entered hemodialysis to keep his kidneys functioning and now he’s been given the green light to attain a new kidney. In a statement issued to The Source , Freeway’s management team confirmed that his surgery was a success. “He is now in recovery,” the statement reads. “He thanks you all for your prayers!!!” On Freeway’s end, he posted a video to his Instagram account of him prepping for surgery at the hospital. “I’m going under now!” he wrote. “Thanks for all the love & support! Pray for me!!” Since his diagnosis, Free has been devoted to organizations dedicated to assisting those with conditions like his. He’s partnered with the National Kidney Foundation and the American Kidney Fund. In 2016, the National Kidney Foundation reported that African American make up over 35 percent of people who use dialysis to treat kidney failure. Health conditions such as diabetes and high blood pressure are also contributors to kidney failure. RELATED: Freeway Updates Fans On Kidney Transplant Status, Shares Look Inside ‘Think Free’ Album [EXCLUSIVE VIDEO] RELATED: Straight From His Dialysis Treatment – Freeway Shares Encouraging Words At Meek Mill Rally

Freeway Undergoes Successful Kidney Transplant Surgery