Tag Archives: friends-created

I’m Neuza, I’m 20 years old and I’m from…

I’m Neuza, I’m 20 years old and I’m from Portugal . I remember always thinking, *Justin will never come to Portugal* but then in 2012 they announced that he was coming in 2013! Finally my idol was coming to my country after 4 years of waiting. The moment I had my ticket in my hand, I knew that I had to meet him, to hug him and tell that I love him. I started to participate in so many contests. One day, one of my friends created an account on Bieberfever but she said that she didn’t have enough merchandise to win the contest so I decided to take a picture of my stuff and she could send it, since the winner wins a double 2 M&G’s. On Sunday, the day before the concert, I was talking with that friend on skype and after a while she started saying, “OMG OMG, NEUZA WE ARE GOING TO MEET JUSTIN, WE WON!” I started crying so much, I couldn’t believe it. On the day of the concert I was there from 6 a.m. with my other friend that was going to meet Justin. I had tears in my eyes but I was in shock while we were in line. Suddenly, Justin put his head out of the curtains saying that they could start and we started screaming, “JUSTIN, JUSTIN!” The energy was amazing. When it was my time to enter I was shaking so much. They took the picture but before we had to go. I hugged him and I knew at that moment that all I went through to support him was worth it. When I left the hug, he looked into my eyes and smiled and I smiled too. I even hugged Alfredo and said Hi to Jeremy and Jaxon. When I left the M&G I was shaking, crying, and to be honest it was the best day of my life. I always read “My Bieber Experience” but I always thought that I would never be able to write my own. Dreams do come true, you just have to believe. -@NeuzaC13 Continue reading here: I’m Neuza, I’m 20 years old and I’m from…

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I’m Neuza, I’m 20 years old and I’m from…