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Countdown has a field day with Palin’s "God hand" excuse and her spotty memory about who treated her brother’s burns.

Visit msnbc.com for breaking news , world news , and news about the economy These two stories have been catching fire on the inter-tubes all day today. The Washington Post picks up on the God hand story. As does the New York Daily News . While Mudflats tries to get to the bottom of the Canadian health care story. A story that is much too juicy for the Huffington Post to ignore. I was talking to a friend today about the reliability of Sarah Palin to make at least one stupid gaffe a week and how exhausting it must be for the Palin-bots to constantly try to cover for them. No wonder Meg Stapleton finally ran screaming from the asylum. The only question is what took her so long?

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Countdown has a field day with Palin’s "God hand" excuse and her spotty memory about who treated her brother’s burns.