SMH… here we go again … Noel Carter Beating A Florida man is making national headlines after he was seen on camera being brutally kicked and tasered by police while he was unarmed and sitting on a curb. The Orlando Sentinel reports: An Orlando police officer kicked an unarmed man at least six times while the suspect sat on a downtown curb, according to video shot by an onlooker, and as he did, another officer shocked the man with a Taser. The Police Department on Monday released the video-recording, which shows Officers David Cruz and Charles Mays arresting Noel Carter, a 30-year-old Hollywood, Florida, man in downtown Orlando Thursday about 10 p.m. The video of Thursday’s arrest was made by a woman who lives across Orange Avenue from the spot of the arrest and appears to show Carter complying with the officers when Cruz, standing to the man’s right, begins delivering kick after kick to his right arm. According to police, that was only part of what happened. The officers were off-duty, working security at Venue 578, a nightclub at the corner of Orange Avenue and Concord Street, when they saw Carter “using physical force” against a woman, the officers wrote in an incident report. Carter was drunk, his girlfriend had just broken up with him, but he was grabbing at her and attempting to keep her from walking away, Cruz wrote. The officers tried to arrest him, according to the report, but he refused to cooperate and tried to run away. The video first appeared Friday, broadcast by WESH-Channel 2. It does not show Carter fighting or resisting arrest. However, on Monday the department produced new supplemental reports. In them, the officers wrote that they argued and struggled with Carter over a distance of 75 to 100 yards. SMH….why’d they have to kick that man while he was just sitting there????
Excerpt from:
Police Ain’t Isht: Florida Cops Caught On Tape Brutally Beating Unarmed Man [Video]