Tag Archives: from-underwater

Justin Beiber’s Baby Momma Self Shot Erotica of the Day

Some statutory rapist 20 year old is suing Justin Beiber for paternity tests cuz she apparently took his virginity a year ago…..and by appreantly I mean that’s her claim and she’s sticking to it…because look at all the publicity it gets a girl who prior to this was crying for attention like other internet users via topless self shot pics staged to show off “tattoos” when really set up to get compliments from their friends…. I mean I’m gonna call bullshit on this…partially cuz Bieber is gay, but also because anyone can sue anyone in America and if it ends in a settlement, she could be set for life….but more importantly, cuz I know if I was 17, popstar, this kind of dumpy looking bitch is likely the last thing I’d fuck under any circumstance…I’d save this shit for the losers who can’t get laid, while I stick my dick in models… Who cares…Beiber gossip and the fact I am writing it makes me want to kill myself.

Read the rest here:
Justin Beiber’s Baby Momma Self Shot Erotica of the Day

Hayden Panettiere’s Shitty Girl on Girl Pool Picture of the Day

Remember Hayden Panettiere…She was a teenage celebrity for a minute…you know cuz as a daughter of a cheesy plastic soap star…it was easy…but then she turned 18 and lost her appeal cuz America is filled with perverts who only like a midget, troll, thick shoulded strong woman when she’s underage….well now she’s trying to seduce by posting lesbian pictures of herself in the pool with another bitch, you know something you’d find on a college spring break, only she totally missed the fucking mark…because there’s nothing erotic about two underwater bitches, unless the pic is from underwater, letting us see their fucking bodies in flight….not that Hayden’s all that graceful, and it wouldn’t be like watching a romantic erotic performance art piece I can jerk off to …an underwater ballet, but more of a clunky piece of shit who has a vagina big enough to handle 7 foot tall dude penis….but it’d be better than this…..

See the article here:
Hayden Panettiere’s Shitty Girl on Girl Pool Picture of the Day