Tag Archives: further-effort

Retroreflector Tie A Bright Entry in Seoul Cycle Design Competition

Photo via Designboom The Retroreflector Tie by Jasna Sokolovic and Noel O’Connell is a somewhat subtle fashion statement for the safety-minded cyclist. And it is one of thousands of entries in Designboom’s Seoul Cycle Design Competition 2010. For this tie, the designers wanted to add something useful to the options on store shelves for reflective clothing for cyclists — something that was more than just functional. It’s a statement many designers are making in a comp… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Retroreflector Tie A Bright Entry in Seoul Cycle Design Competition

PETA Butter and Jelly Sandwich, Anyone?

Image via Ecorazzi In a further effort to provide animal-cruelty-free food options to consumers, PETA slapped their logo on a jar of peanut butter to remind eaters that yes, there are well-loved vegan options for lunch. They didn’t however, slap their logo on any vegan-friendly bread, the more obvious area where consumers would need help quickly eyeballing options that are animal product-free. What is PETA up to with this new label?… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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PETA Butter and Jelly Sandwich, Anyone?