Tag Archives: generes-oscar

7 Reasons Men Shouldn’t Take Selfies, Like, Ever

The selfie disease is becoming an epidemic. An epidemic spreading itself into the men of our species. At least the over the hill men of our species. A recent study revealed that while women take more photos than selfies  before age 40, that flip-flops  after age 40. Then men become selfie-studs. Perhaps they’re trying to regain their youth. Maybe they just don’t care about aging in the same way women do. But one thing we know for sure is that we must stop the insanity.  Here are 7 reasons men shouldn’t take selfies. Like, ever. EVER ever. 7 Reasons Men Shouldn’t Take Selfies 1. Selfies Are for Girls The trend of #nomakeup selfies just isn’t the same when a dude is in the picture. P.S. We’re totally kidding. Particularly when it comes to the shirtless selfies of anyone except Justin Bieber. Keep posting those, dudes. We really, truly don’t mind. Go to town, all y’all. To prove how serious we are (not to mention guilty of unyielding selfie love) are some more celebrity selfies to show just how much we  do love the selfie … 32 Super Celebrity Selfies 1. Ellen DeGeneres Oscar Selfie Ellen DeGeneres posts the best selfie ever. Literally the best, in terms of re-Tweets.

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7 Reasons Men Shouldn’t Take Selfies, Like, Ever