Eva Longoria was in a bikini…and it reminded me that Eva Longoria exists..you know 30 something Mexicans who don’t look like they are 300 lbs corn tortilla addicts are an genetic glitch, some scientific advancement, or maybe it is that Eva Longoria, first generation America, over compensates as an Americam, and shits on Mexican culture, until she is asked to make statements about Mexican americans, like some kind of Figurehead or leader of a movement she knows nothing about, because she’s a fucking princess, who hires Mexicans to clean her fucking mansion…and even makes shews about the shit… She’s so famous internationally, people fucking love her, except maybe the Jews, since she compared Trump to Hitler, and jews don’t like that, unless they are casting their next producion, in which case they don’t care, becasue Longoria fills seats…something that amazes me more than her average body… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Eva Longoria’s Bikini Ass of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
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Eva Longoria’s Bikini Ass of the Day