Tag Archives: gets-followers

Izaebel Goulart’s Workout Seems Legit of the DAy

Izabel Goulart is into Fitness. So into fitness that she likes to show people her workout, even though most people like to keep their workouts private, since working out is generally disgusting, unless you get hair and make-up and intentionally shoot the shit for Instagram because it gets followers, it gets dudes jerking off, it gives her something to post because her everyday life is boring…even if panty shots are more fun to look at, I guess this is my G rated, even though it’s pretty fucking pornographic to me… Now if only girls in Gyms actually looked like this when grunting, sweating and farting in these poses…struggling to be Izabel Goular bodied…and failing harder than anyone ever failed before…

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Izaebel Goulart’s Workout Seems Legit of the DAy