Tag Archives: monkey-looking

Rayne Ivanushka for TREATS! Magazine of the Day

Her name is RAYNE , I follow her on Instagram, I have no idea why, but I do…maybe it has something to do with her being the kind of model open to getting naked, which is really all models, and really all women in general, because nudity is awesome, they feel sexy being nude and #free the nipple…. I find it difficult to differentiate between real models and instagram models and just girls who have day jobs and find it fun to do nude photoshoots like their instagram was Playboy in the 70s, when nudity mattered…this is all so repetitive, all the pics look the same, and is as boring as nude pics can be…with is pretty boring, but at least there’s tits. But I realize, that it doesn’t matter what the intention of the nudity is, as long as the nudity happened, because nudity is better than non nude….or implied nude…even if it isn’t a big deal, as girls get gangbanged in video on the daily, a set of tits, like in Europs is “whatever”… I do know that Treats!, in Los Angeles is a hub for girls, trying to find rich guys, or in The Tits from the Blurred Lines video a stepping stone to fame, and I guess any other girl they feature is looking for the same thing, doing the same picture, posing the same, especially other girls with Eastern European sounding names… All this to say – if I was rich, I’d hire her as my girlfriend and pay her in expensive things, not cash, because that would be hooking and hooking isn’t real love. VIA TREATS! The post Rayne Ivanushka for TREATS! Magazine of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Rayne Ivanushka for TREATS! Magazine of the Day

Michelle Rodriguez Eating a Mouse Boiled in her Own Urine of the Day

This is trending on the facebook, which in case you didn’t know is the internet – now that every idiot is addicted to the shit..making Zuckerberg richer and richer… I don’t care about Bear Grylls and his silly survival show. I don’t care about Michelle Rodriguez and her non-offensive monkey looking lesbian ways…. But I do like her classy demure lady-like use of the word “PISS”…as she carries a container of her piss…and I do care about watching a dude drink a famous chick’s urine, probably faked, but maybe not, casually in the name of survival..on TV!! There are water-sport / golden shower fetishists, and let’s be real, there’s no way Michelle Rodriguez hasn’t had piss in her mouth during one of her eating pussy adventures, I’ve had piss in my mouth and I’ve barely had sex.. There is no way that Bear Grylls wasn’t into drinking her piss, otherwise he wouldn’t have done it, unless it is fake, which it probably isn’t because people like this are just fucking weirdos… All this to say, the gross in all this is the eating of the mouse…poor thing..stewed in her piss…sounds like something you’d get at an asian restaurant. The post Michelle Rodriguez Eating a Mouse Boiled in her Own Urine of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Michelle Rodriguez Eating a Mouse Boiled in her Own Urine of the Day

V Magazine No. 90 By Mario Testino of the Day

Here are the pics fron the Latest V Magazine that has Emily DiDonato, or as I like to call her – Jake Gyllenhaal’s fister – who can’t get his smell off her forearm, on the cover – showing half a nipple… The other models are: Amanda Murphy, Sean O’pry, Joan Smalls, Emily Di Donato, Matthew Terry, Clark Bockelman, Aurelien Muller, & Bridget Malcolm The Photographer is Mario Testino, who is one of the biggest fashion photographers around….The pics are probably high production and expensive. I’m thinking the whole thing cost over 100,000 dollars to do…but I find them boring and despite having nipple…a little homo erotic…like watching my friend get a blow job…I mean sometimes there’s just too much dick in a room for it to be straight…same goes for photos..

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V Magazine No. 90 By Mario Testino of the Day

Izaebel Goulart’s Workout Seems Legit of the DAy

Izabel Goulart is into Fitness. So into fitness that she likes to show people her workout, even though most people like to keep their workouts private, since working out is generally disgusting, unless you get hair and make-up and intentionally shoot the shit for Instagram because it gets followers, it gets dudes jerking off, it gives her something to post because her everyday life is boring…even if panty shots are more fun to look at, I guess this is my G rated, even though it’s pretty fucking pornographic to me… Now if only girls in Gyms actually looked like this when grunting, sweating and farting in these poses…struggling to be Izabel Goular bodied…and failing harder than anyone ever failed before…

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Izaebel Goulart’s Workout Seems Legit of the DAy

Selena Gomez is Milking These Tits Like a Lesbian Feminist New Mother in Starbucks of the Day

Selena Gomez is in Europe apparently, not that keep track of this pudgy faced thanks to steroids to control her Lupus, monkey looking thing that has had Beiber up inside her…I just pay attention to what’s going on in pop culture, barely, but it pays for my drinking… That said, she was rumored to have to gotten fake tits, she started milking the story, posting cleavage pics, even a nipple slip, and the whole thing is fine with me, because I’m all for some little pop tart trying to sex herself up a little more, cuz she’s left insecure that Bieber has left her behind for all his groupie and model sluts…or whatever… Because no matter how rich and famous a girl is, she can still be left broken and insecure when the guy she dates fucks off on her…not that I am even convinced she ever dated Bieber, I just think that was marketing and so is this.. She’s on the rebrand…showing them tits…here are a bunch of pics of the experience… #452421040 / gettyimages.com #452421022 / gettyimages.com #452419660 / gettyimages.com #452398976 / gettyimages.com #452398866 / gettyimages.com #452398460 / gettyimages.com #452374434 / gettyimages.com #452374432 / gettyimages.com #452374198 / gettyimages.com #452341044 / gettyimages.com #452340904 / gettyimages.com #452340922 / gettyimages.com #452340866 / gettyimages.com #452340866 / gettyimages.com Oh and She’s Working on her Ass….”Hehe #day20 #squatitout #tooeasy” CLICK HERE SHE IS IN CHURCH LIKE A GOOD CATHOLIC CLICK HERE TO SEE MORE OF HER IN THE WHITE BRA OUTFIT PICS

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Selena Gomez is Milking These Tits Like a Lesbian Feminist New Mother in Starbucks of the Day

Michelle Rodriguez Lesbian Bikini of the Day

Michelle Rodriguez is a lesbian in a bikini in Cannes…who gives a fuck.. Shee was a Monkey in a Bikini in Cannes… In 2007: HERE In 2011: HERE bonus MEME and in HERE IN 2012: HERE If you like repetitive bullshit, like a monkey looking’ lesbian in a bikini….then I guess M-Rod who doesn’t like ROD, unless it is attached to a girl model with straps….is your girl…

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Michelle Rodriguez Lesbian Bikini of the Day

Thuggin’ On Twitter: K.Michelle Defends Calling Disrespectful Drunk Fan A “Monkey” And Denying Her Photo Request

Let me explain… K.Michelle Defends Blasting Disrespectful Fan We recently reported that over the weekend we received an email from a young woman who had an awful experience meeting singer/reality star K.Michelle in person: K Michelle from VH1′s Love & Hip Hop was seen last night at Ricardo’s Restaurant in Harlem and was asked to take a picture with a fan (a young friend of mine). K Michelle rudely replied no, and left the restaurant with co-star Yandy Smith, and friends. After leaving, K posted a picture of herself with friends, i wrote under her picture saying “It must be nice to not take pictures with your fans tonight etc. Thank You For letting a few happy people down tonight….”(visible in her feed) K Michelle replied and insulted me by writing terrible insults/a racial slur like “Shut Up Monkey Looking Girl…… My job is not to take pictures etc… Get a life and find yourself a new weave supplier etc. ” Her fans proceeded to tag along and cheer her on for bullying and insulting me, a simple fan who admires her but was disappointed in her behavior. I really admired K Michelle and saw her as a beautiful who women hated on for no reason, I admired her music, and still love her voice. It’s unfortunate that an upcoming celebrity would publicly insult and humiliate a fan. After the comment was made her fans continued to harass me and insult me as well. She expresses being a role model etc. but she displayed so many acts of disrespect and insults on her social media. Why come to New York if your going to insult the people there? Round of Applause to her. Do you think after all African Americans Have Been Through an African American Reality TV Star should be able to refer to a young African American Fan as a monkey? It’s bullying like that, that sets young people into depression and poor confidence. She claims to be a role model but she will discourage a female fan at the drop of a dime. K Michelle is a Monster. K.Michelle took to her Twitter account to blast the thirsty fan for allegedly lying about the encounter and sets the record straight: Hit the flip for the rest of Michelle’s side of the story. They say it’s always 3 sides to a story; yours, theirs and the truth! Continue reading

Ashley Benson Dominating the Springbreakers of the Day

Ashley Benson for the win…and I am not saying that cuz I like white blonde chicks better than her little monkey looking co-stars….in fact I like little monkey looking co-stars….especially when they are getting naked and staging relationships with homosexuals to get ahead….to break free from the foundation Disney’s made for them…but for some reason…these shots of Ashley Benson on her promo tour for their movie are good enough for me to want to have unprotected sex with….even if she’s only naked while clothed….but looking like she just fucked the night away and that she’s starting her day with a nice glow….because I want to get this pregnant…. That said – I like the cleavage on the girl on the left….hello! TO SEE MORE PICS OF HER ON HER SPRINGBREAKERS TOUR FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Ashley Benson Dominating the Springbreakers of the Day