This is a hilarious story…. A 24-year-old Iowa high school teacher was arrested for allegedly having sexual with her 17-year-old student opened up to Inside Edition about her love affair…. Her name is Mary Beth Haglin, she was a substitute English teacher, and she turned herself in for fucking her “student”… Inside Edition sensationalizes the story by making a big deal out of it, trying to come across as a a big deal, calling the panty pics she sent the kid “raunchy photos”….during their 6-month relationship…. The reality is she’s barely a teacher at 24, she’s barely a teacher as a substitute teacher and he’s barely a kid at 17. Kids grow up on porn, they watch it all day, jerk off all day, and start fucking at 12…there’s hardly an age difference from 24 to 17….and 17 to 18 is hardly a big deal…not much changes…it’s not like the day a girl turns 18 she becomes something dudes want to fuck, she’s just an idiot because she would fuck him in public….or maybe because she got seduced by the student and fell into it..because men are the predators… I wish I had teachers like this in my high school, I was more surrounded by old fat women who I’d never want to fuck….So watching her try to right her wrongs that are hardly wrongs…makes me laugh…and knowing that if she was a male teacher doing the same thing, she’d be fucking slaughtered…because men are the predators… The post Teacher Opens Up About Affair with Student of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
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Teacher Opens Up About Affair with Student of the Day