Tag Archives: girls-becausse

Lindsay Lohan Works The Public of the Day

She’s almost as good as Sandra Bullock when she adopted an african after being accused of Nazi sex games…spin the story, win an Oscar, the public is forgiving of the people they’ve never met but love…..because the public are idiots… That said, I don’t know why her face is bloated and distorted, I just know she played her career so fucking wrong…she had money to go elsewhere to drink and drive, while she coulda just hired a driver here….she could have filmed a movie a year, made her millions, and lived in central america where she did DMT and raped Donkey’s for the locals if she wanted to….but instead she did this…. Idiot. What a waste. But at least they haven’t repossessed her tits….they are paid off in full and I love them…and can’t wait for them to work my local strip club….and while I wait, here she is posing with children for the paparazzi…what a clown… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK

Continued here:
Lindsay Lohan Works The Public of the Day

Terry Richardson’s Outtakes from Purple Magazine of the Day

I posted these NAKED HIPSTERS FOR TERRY RICHARDSON PICS …..and these are the outtakes…. I love hipster girls becausse they are all 70s inspired and pretend they don’t give a fuck…they wear no bra and jacked up shorts and tight jeans…all in the name of style or fashion that they pretend they don’t subscribe to….they know everything about everything, because you can’t care about nothing or be too cool for everything if you don’t know every band, lyric, designer, fabric….etc….their irony is actually ironic…But most importantly, their anti-establishment bushes tickly my nose in a glorious way….

More here:
Terry Richardson’s Outtakes from Purple Magazine of the Day