Tag Archives: gisele-topless

Chelsea Handler Bare Ass on Instagram of the Day

People find Chelsea Handler funny….you know a mean spirited, bitter hag comedian making bitchy jokes…can be funny…shocking and get you noticed… I find Chelsea Handler’s best joke the way she’s been handling not getting the job as David Letterman’s replacement…especially after she likely sucked Les Moonves off at least once…in her rise to fame… I think these post her tits, post her ass, push the limits of Instagram rules like a “rebel” pretending to be a feminist…is desperation at its finest…because she has money now… Where as when she was whoring out when launching her career as she worked as a waitress…was just standard… What it comes down to is that it is just boring..it’s like spread that whore pussy already in private, we’ve already seen your tits…your ass is probably just as played out…post pussy…stop tip toeing on the line of appropriate…shocking…fucking five in you phoney bitch.. The post Chelsea Handler Bare Ass on Instagram of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Chelsea Handler Bare Ass on Instagram of the Day

Gisele Topless for Chanel of the Day

I am pretty sure that Gisele is making a couple of million dollars for being this year’s face and I guess body for Chanel…which means that these topless pics cost Chanel millions of dolllars to get…which is pretty bad business considering I know at least 100 girls who would have got more than just topless, even spread vagina for Chanel number 5, which really would be appropriate…considering what better use of perfume than to hose down some whore pussy… Either way, Gisele is kind of a man, so paying her anything to be topless is just insanity…and why people bother with these models is beyond me…with a million dollars of marketing budget…I could easily steal it and move to a third world country….and produce a campaign down there for 20 dollars and goat for the brand…but I guess that’s not the vibe they are going for…yet this boring ass pic is…not that it is an ass pic…Tom Brady probably wishes it was, because the second he gets the prosthetic balls on her…he can cum… The post Gisele Topless for Chanel of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Gisele Topless for Chanel of the Day

Gisele Bundchen: Smoldering, Fashionable in V

Here are six more reasons to hate Tom Brady, a.k.a. the Justin Bieber of the NFL. His 30-year-old wife Gisele Bundchen, who gave birth to their son Benjamin back in December 2009, shows off her amazing body in V Magazine. The spread, entitled “Gisele Unzipped,” has her posing in leather jackets, lace bras, snakeskin skirts and the like, all in artful black and white. Click to enlarge some of the Gisele Bundchen pictures from the publication: Not hard to see why Gisele is the world’s highest-paid model, is it? Pick up the latest issue of V Magazine for more photos of Gisele. [Photo Credits: V]

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Gisele Bundchen: Smoldering, Fashionable in V