Tag Archives: giving-drivers

Crazy Things You Didn’t Know You Could Compost (Plus, Some You Can’t), Holiday Edition

Sure, it’s lucky. But can it can be composted? Photo: CarbonNYC , Creative Commons. This is a guest article by Sara Ost, editor of EcoSalon.com , the conscious culture and fashion website. Fresh on the heels of the pizza box scandal , in which EcoSalon cleared up some mysteries with recyling, we’ve uncovered more items that you can’t compost — and some surprising ones you can. This being the holiday season, we enter a whole new level of composting controversy. S… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Crazy Things You Didn’t Know You Could Compost (Plus, Some You Can’t), Holiday Edition

Nissan is Licensing Fuel-Saving ECO Pedal to Other Automakers

Image: Nissan Tactile Feedback FTW Nissan’s ECO Pedal is a great idea. We’ve known for a while that giving drivers some feedback on their fuel consumption helps them drive more efficiently (and more sanely!). The most obvious example is the LCD screen in the Toyota Prius, but there are other ways of providing that feedback. Ford has an instrument cluster that grows leaves to ‘reward’ you for effici… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Nissan is Licensing Fuel-Saving ECO Pedal to Other Automakers