Tag Archives: toyota-prius

Gulf Fishermen Haul in Oil-Covered Shrimp from Newly Opened Waters (Video)

Photo: Fox 10 News Most of the waters in the Gulf of Mexico have just been reopened to fishermen — though the jury’s still out as to whether anyone will want to eat their catch. The shrimping boat Our Mother just returned from its first excursion to waters long closed off from the BP oil spill , and it’s entire haul was ruined: The shrimp it brought in were covered in oily tar balls. This segment on the local news expl… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Gulf Fishermen Haul in Oil-Covered Shrimp from Newly Opened Waters (Video)

Nissan is Licensing Fuel-Saving ECO Pedal to Other Automakers

Image: Nissan Tactile Feedback FTW Nissan’s ECO Pedal is a great idea. We’ve known for a while that giving drivers some feedback on their fuel consumption helps them drive more efficiently (and more sanely!). The most obvious example is the LCD screen in the Toyota Prius, but there are other ways of providing that feedback. Ford has an instrument cluster that grows leaves to ‘reward’ you for effici… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Nissan is Licensing Fuel-Saving ECO Pedal to Other Automakers

Prius sound effects

A demonstration of the Toyota Prius sound effects. By engadget Tags : engadget , ev , prius , toyota

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Prius sound effects

In California, the Prius Loses its Privilege

Image credit: Marcin Wichary /Flickr For years, owners of hybrid cars like the Toyota Prius enjoyed a special privilege: The free use of HOV-reserved lanes anytime of the day, regardless of the number of passengers. Thanks to new legislation signed by the Governor, however, this will change on December 31, 2010…. Read the full story on TreeHugger

In California, the Prius Loses its Privilege

Hayden Christensen & Rachel Bilson Kiss Goodbye