Tag Archives: glass-atrium

Glass Roof Gives Way at Celeb Purim Party

Filed under: Jersey Shore The roof, the roof, the roof is on fire! OK, no it isn’t — but part of a glass atrium at a Purim party in Manhattan shattered Saturday night … and Chris Noth and several “Jersey Shore” peeps were in attendance. Oy vey! NYC police sources tell TMZ … Permalink

Originally posted here:
Glass Roof Gives Way at Celeb Purim Party

Glass Roof Collapses at Celeb Purim Party

The roof, the roof, the roof is on fire! OK, no it isn’t — but a glass atrium at a Purim party in Manhattan collapsed tonight … and Chris Noth and several “Jersey Shore” peeps were in attendance. NYC police sources tell TMZ the glass atrium at a … Permalink

Read the rest here:
Glass Roof Collapses at Celeb Purim Party