Laura Govan checking Gilbert Arenas assets all the way to the bank!!! How in the world do you get served during the NBA game??? Did they have to buy a ticket to the game in order to do this??? A process server stopped Arenas as he walked off the court Thursday night against the Miami Heat. The court documents, obtained by The Associated Press, were a California petition filed by Laura Mendoza Govan. She identifies herself as his ex-girlfriend in the documents. The petition seeks custody and child support for three children that Govan says Arenas fathered and has since “financially cut off.” She is also seeking support for another unborn child. After being outed on his lavish spending, Gilbert Arenas called into a radio show to dispute the lies: People facing expensive court battles usually keep quiet, but the former Wizard was awfully chatty in his call into our colleague Mike Wise’s 106.7 FM radio show. It’s all lies, Arenas claimed — except the bit about what Govan said he spends on his legendary shark tank. Yes, it’s really five grand a month: “I’d rather spend $5,000 on my fish than have a drinking problem.” The sharks, he claimed, have died, because of “somebody throwing pennies in the fish tank.” No names. Otherwise, he accused Govan of overhyping his finances. “If you look back at the last couple breakups of any NBA athlete… it’s a format they all go by to get more child support money… This is not ‘Basketball Wives.’… These girls got to stop living a fantasy world.” As for him: “You make bad choices as an adult, and we pick the wrong woman sometime.” Ouch. Govan did not reply by press time. These two are really something else. What we don’t understand is… if this fool kept putting you out every other weekend, why in the hell did you have 4 babies by him??? Source
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Dayyumm… Ain’t That B*tch!!!: Gilbert Arenas Hit With Child Support Papers While At Work