6 comments Subscribe Subscribe Howard Stern made revealing statements Wednesday morning about his relationship with co-host Artie Lange and why he trusted the heroin-addicted comedian’s claims that he was clean and sober in the months before his violent suicide attempt. The Artie Lange discussion launched from one of Robin Quivers’ news stories about the domestic violence charges levied against ultimate fighting champ Tito Ortiz by porn star and frequent Howard Stern Show guest Jenna Jameson. Ortiz is now stating that the altercation with Jameson erupted over the porn queen’s addiction to Oxycontin pills. Tito Ortiz arrested for assault on porn star Jenna Jameson (video) “Did it seem to you that she was on any drugs?” Quivers asked Stern regarding Jameson’s most recent in-studio Howard Stern Show appearance. “How would I know Robin?” sighed Stern. “No. She seemed coherent. Then again you’re talking to a guy who said Artie was clean and sober. I believed him. Don’t go by me. I’m not good at picking out anyone who’s high. That has been proven. I am just not keyed into that.” Watch the Artie Lange ‘Hurt’ video below Quivers then made a surprising critique of Stern’s handling of the Artie Lange issue. “Well maybe it’s because you’re just not interested in anybody but yourself?” she prosed. “That would be one of the reasons,” said Stern. “The other reason would be I’m not a ‘drug person’ and I’m not aware of that.” Quivers wasn’t letting Stern off the hook that easily. “No,” she stated. “But I mean you could notice if somebody’s SLEEPING.” Video: Bob Levy blames Howard Stern for Artie Lange’s suicide attempt During the 2009 Howard Stern Show season, co-host Artie Lange fell asleep on-air multiple times. At one point, Lange’s lack of consciousness became a featured bit on the show. The comedian was laid out on the in-studio couch with a microphone propped up next to him and the show proceeded live with Lange snoring along heartily as accompaniment. “That-that…I thought he was tired,” said Stern earnestly. “I honestly did. I said: ‘The guy’s worn out. He doesn’t know how to put himself to bed at night. He can’t-he’s busy with the game. He’s excited.” Chris Kanyon talked about suicide with Howard Stern and Artie Lange (photo slideshow) Quivers kept pressing: “You could notice that somebody’s, you know, losing the hair on his arms,…and,…eating out of control.” “I did notice that. I was the one who noticed that,” said Howard defensively. “I saw all that. But I still-I believed him. I believe people. I believe in man’s honesty. I didn’t think he would lie to me.” “All right,” replied Quivers with what sounded like a heaping spoonful of judgment, and then moved on to discuss the plight of Bret Michaels who is recovering from a brain hemorrhage in an Arizona ICU. Click here for updates on Bret Michaels’ health status This is the first time Howard Stern Show fans have heard Robin Quivers directly criticize Stern regarding his passive endorsement of Artie Lange’s addict behavior on-air. Follow the Howard Stern Examiner on Twitter , Facebook and at www.ronnielovesmambo.com Want an e-mail when the Howard Stern Examiner posts a new story? Subscribe here Howard Stern: I believed Artie Lange was clean and sober
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Howard Stern: I believed Artie Lange was clean and sober