Tag Archives: gosselin-thin

Taylor Swift: Message to Bullied Teen Makes Instagram a Better Place

Regardless of how you feel about her music or her newly-acquired twerking habit , there’s no denying that Taylor Swift is a woman who genuinely cares about her fans.  In the past, Taylor has visited young cancer patients  and spent hours singing the songs they requested. Taylor Swift and Cancer Patients: See the Photos 1. Cute Taylor Swift Pose Taylor Swift spent five hours inside Hasbro Children’s Hospital in Providence and hung out with cancer patients such as this. Yesterday, she reached out to a fan in need in a different way – by assuring her that while bullies and haters might never go away, they should never prevent you from being yourself. When the 14-year-old fan – whom Taylor had interacted with on Instagram in the past – complained of mistreatment by peers at her new high school, Taylor replied with a lengthy message of hope: “I hate thinking about your pretty face covered in tears,” Swift wrote on one of the fan’s posts. But I know why you’re crying because I’ve been in your place. This isn’t a high school thing or an age thing…It doesn’t end or change. People cut other people down for entertainment, amusement out of jealousy…or for no reason at all.” “You’re going into high school this week and this is your chance to push the reset button on how much value you give the opinions of these kids, most of whom have NO idea who you are…If they don’t like you for being yourself, be yourself even more.” “Every time someone picks on me, I’ll think of you in hopes that every time someone picks on you, you’ll think of me…and now we have this thread that connects us.” Wow. Anyone else have something in their eye right now? That message may have been meant for a young girl entering high school but it contains some valuable lessons for anyone coping with haters. To paraphrase Taylor’s latest hit, just shake ’em off: 27 Taylor Swift Dancing Gifs from “Shake It Off” 1. Bring It On What do you have to say about cheerleaders NOW, Taylor?

Continued here:
Taylor Swift: Message to Bullied Teen Makes Instagram a Better Place

Jon Gosselin to Kate: Gimme a Cut of New Kate Plus 8 Money!!

The feud between Jon and Kate Gosselin has truly remarkable staying power. Just when you think they’re out of the news for good, they ramp it back up. Unlike the Tori Spellings and Kendra Wilkinsons of the world, there’s no scripting this nonsense: Jon and Kate full-on H8 each other with a vengeance. Earlier, we reported that Jon is not allowed to see the kids and gunning for Kate in court. Now a new report suggests he’s after something besides custody: A cut of Kate Gosselin‘s paycheck for the new season of TLC’s Kate Plus 8! Although Jon isn’t on the show, and reportedly signed away control of his kids’ TV future in exchanged for reduced child support obligations, he wants to cash in . “Jon’s trying to get a percentage of Kate’s TLC salary for the new Kate Plus 8 episodes,” the insider said. “He has no stable job, no steady income.” “Now he’s trying to tell Kate that if she doesn’t give him a cut of the money, he will claim the kids hate filming and they are being forced to do it.” Kate’s calling that bluff, however. We have no doubt Jon is livid about their return to TV , but legally, he has no leg to stand on and she knows it. “He’s all bark and no bite,” the source said. “Kate has absolutely no intentions whatsoever of giving him any money. He doesn’t have any right to it anyway!” “He’s waived all his rights as a parent by forgoing all child support payments,” the source said. “Also, he isn’t going to court to fight for custody of the kids.” “He just uses that tactic to victimize himself so that the public feels bad for him.” Jon’s also banned from her home, apparently, so he’s got a lot to feel sorry for himself about. Oh, and Steve Neild and Kate Gosselin may be dating. Guess when it rains, it pours for Jon the beleaguered Pennsylvania waiter. See Jon, Kate and other couples who crumbled in front of the cameras below: 7 Couples Who Fell Apart on Reality Television 1. Tori Spelling and Dean McDermott Dean McDermott cheated on Tori Spelling with Emily Goodhand. The couple then talked with a therapist about it for episode of True Tori.

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Jon Gosselin to Kate: Gimme a Cut of New Kate Plus 8 Money!!