Tag Archives: got-completely

Avoid The Slander: Summer Fashion And Hair Trends That Just Aren’t For Everybody

You might want to think twice before you try these summer trends…. Summer Fashion Trends That Aren’t For Everyone Although it was one of the longest Winter seasons ever and Spring pretty much got completely skipped over, Summer is finally here. And you know what that means? More partying, less clothing and plenty of pure unadulterated foolishness. As is the case with every Summer season, this overtaking of foolishness will be most evident in the slew of fashion and hairstyle trends that will sweep the nation from Hollywood down to the hood. But as the saying goes, everything is NOT for everyone…..and somethings aren’t for anyone. To better illustrate this golden rule, we’ve compiled a list of popular Summer hair and fashion trends that either need to be done well if you’re going to do them….or not done at all. Of course, everyone is entitled to rock what they want….but don’t say we didn’t warn you about the slander to come. And don’t say we never gave you anything nice.   Ok, here we go…

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Avoid The Slander: Summer Fashion And Hair Trends That Just Aren’t For Everybody

TV Nudity Report: Game of Thrones, Nurse Jackie [PICS]

After a disappointing showing from Game of Thrones two weeks ago, the fantasy show has tripled our pleasure this week with a trio of naked Westerosi woman. First up, Charlie Chaplin ’s granddaughter Oona Chaplin was showing moona in a long gab session with the King of the North. Then brunette Charlotte Hope got completely naked while blonde Stephanie Blacker showed T&A to fool around with the captive Theon Greyjoy. It’s soon revealed that this is all part of his torture, but his pain is our gain! Over on Showtime, Nurse Jackie is working its way through a revelatory fifth season with its first nude scenes to date! It was four skin free years before Betty Gilpin finally bared her butt during the season five premiere, and last night’s episode had her presenting her perfect pair before bending down to give a BJ. That horny health care worker will make you shake your thermometer! See pics after the jump!

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TV Nudity Report: Game of Thrones, Nurse Jackie [PICS]