Tag Archives: grainy-footage

REVIEW: Michael Caine Gets Violent, Mesmerizing Showcase in Harry Brown

Near the beginning of English director Daniel Barber’s Harry Brown, a woman pushing a baby stroller is first terrorized, then shot dead, by a couple of cracked-out teenagers whizzing around on a too-small bicycle, like insane circus clowns out of your worst nightmare. We don’t see who these kids are, but in the film’s opening — a snippet of grainy footage that looks to have been shot with a cell phone — we see a brood of hooligans crunched together in small, enclosed space, getting high and brandishing weapons that we can’t get a clear look at. This is just the beginning of the pileup of horrors Barber has in store for us as he spins out his aggressively sordid story of fear and ineffectual police protection in a South London council estate, and it’s not for the faint of heart. There’s just one problem: Stay away, and you’ll miss Michael Caine.

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REVIEW: Michael Caine Gets Violent, Mesmerizing Showcase in Harry Brown