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American Idol Results: Who Was Eliminated?

American Idol rocked out on Wednesday, as the Top 7 covered such classic groups as Bon Jovi and The Rolling Stones and the women once again separated themselves from the pack. Candice Glover ? Outstanding. Angie Miller? Terrific. Amber Holcomb ? Wonderful. No surprises there, but was there a major surprise on tonight’s results show? Did any of these women get the boot? Or was Lazaro Arbos finally put out of his misery? The votes are in and the ousted Idol is… BURNELL TAYLOR! Agree? Disagree? Shocked? Saw it coming? Sound off now: Did Burnell Taylor deserve to go home this week?   Yes, but he had a great run! No, what about Lazaro?!?!?!?!? View Poll »

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American Idol Results: Who Was Eliminated?