It’s a little hard to keep track of all the Victoria’s Secret hotties out there, especially since none of them have set themselves apart from the pack yet by agreeing to marry me. But Sara Sampaio here is definitely one of my favorites, mostly because she’s an instant pants fire whether she’s on the red carpet or the beach . I mean, obviously I prefer her on the beach, but hell, I’d also prefer her in my bed. So when it comes to super-hot lingerie models, I’ve learned to be happy just taking what I can get. Enjoy. Photos: Continue reading →
I always have a hard time keeping track of all the new Victoria’s Secret models out there. Like Barbara Di Creddo here. See, the fact that she’s super-hot, was born to wear lingerie, is Brazilian, and has a perfect booty that’s currently making me lick my computer screen doesn’t really narrow it down much. So if Barbara really wants to separate herself from the pack, I think she should be the first to accept one of my marriage proposals. I’m pretty sure I sent her one. I just can’t remember. » view all 28 photos
I always have a hard time keeping track of all the new Victoria’s Secret models out there. Like Barbara Di Creddo here. See, the fact that she’s super-hot, was born to wear lingerie, is Brazilian, and has a perfect booty that’s currently making me lick my computer screen doesn’t really narrow it down much. So if Barbara really wants to separate herself from the pack, I think she should be the first to accept one of my marriage proposals. I’m pretty sure I sent her one. I just can’t remember. » view all 28 photos
President Barack Obama raised eyebrows in the political world today, praising California’s Kamala Harris as America’s “best-looking” attorney general. Speaking at a Bay Area fundraiser for the Democratic National Committee, the president said that Harris, 48, is “brilliant,” “dedicated” and “tough.” “She also happens to be, by far the best-looking attorney general.” According to reports from the fundraiser, the crowd laughed (either due to discomfort, amusement or both) after which Obama said, “It’s true! C’mon.” Some cringed at Obama’s remarks, given the historic hurdles women have faced to be recognized for accomplishments rather than physical appearances. Jonathan Chait of N.Y. Magazine called Obama “disgraceful.” “Women have a hard time being judged purely on their merits,” he wrote. “Discussing their appearance in the context of evaluating job performance makes it worse.” The Washington Post ‘s Jonathan Capehart countered that Obama and Harris are “longtime friends and allies” and he wasn’t “cat-calling a woman he doesn’t know.” “If I thought for one moment that’s what was going on, you better believe I’d hammer him for it. But that’s not the case here. Far from it. Lighten up, people.” Regardless … we’d love to hear what Michelle Obama says later. Obama calling Kamala Harris good-looking … Harmless! He’s just being nice! Disgraceful and sexist! View Poll »
American Idol rocked out on Wednesday, as the Top 7 covered such classic groups as Bon Jovi and The Rolling Stones and the women once again separated themselves from the pack. Candice Glover ? Outstanding. Angie Miller? Terrific. Amber Holcomb ? Wonderful. No surprises there, but was there a major surprise on tonight’s results show? Did any of these women get the boot? Or was Lazaro Arbos finally put out of his misery? The votes are in and the ousted Idol is… BURNELL TAYLOR! Agree? Disagree? Shocked? Saw it coming? Sound off now: Did Burnell Taylor deserve to go home this week? Yes, but he had a great run! No, what about Lazaro?!?!?!?!? View Poll »