Last we heard, Whitney Port had a new man in her life. But are she and The Buried Life star Ben Nemtin an official couple, or still in the beginning stages? We ask because Whit has been soliciting dates on her official site, and asking fans to weed out the prospects. Not a bad project for fans of The City star. In honor of the new movie She’s Out of My League , Whitney Port is doing a promotion where a lucky applicant can win a date with her in the Big Apple. Understandably, there was no shortage of applicants. Whitney Port could be yours (for a day)! [Photo:] “Thanks so much to everyone who entered to win a date with me!” she wrote. “I had so much fun reading all of your comments, and after a lot of thought I was able to narrow it down to five semi-finalists who I then had submit videos.”
Posted in Celebrities, Gossip
Tagged buried-life, girl, Gossip, Hollywood, life, narrow-it-down, official, seriously-heart, shown-on-two, TMZ, whitney-port