Tag Archives: guess-it-kinda

Zippora Seven in L’Officiel Ukraine March 2012 of the DAy

You know what I like about Zippora Seven, besides her hippie fucking name, that is cartoon-ish and fun, but for some reason makes me want to grown out my bush and roll around in mud while hugging a fucking tree and eating organic vegan food like her parents…it’s just that exciting a name… I like that she gets naked for fashion or more importantly for money to put herself out there on the international scene, but even more importantly, she was getting naked for fashion or more importantly for money when she was fucking 16 in 2008 , because like all good sheep herders from New Zealand, her nudist parents embraced her tight teen titties as much as I wish I could…. That was 4 years ago, but she’s still up to her old tricks, this time at 20 and in some Ukrainian edition of a fashion mag….she started at it young, nice and experienced and still young. I dig it.

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Zippora Seven in L’Officiel Ukraine March 2012 of the DAy

Kate Moss Forgets to Do Up Her Pants of the Day

I think Kate Moss is probably one of the best models of all time….only because she lives the fucking rockstar life….going to all the best parties, fucking all the unprotected rockstar and A-List celebrity cock she can get her pussy around. She’s not fat, in fact hated for being too skinny in the 90s, she’s aged amazing like all that hard living has kept her pickled and preserved… but most importantly throughout most of this, she’s been a fucking mom to a kid I doubt sees that much….which is exciting me since I am an aspiring deadbeat parent….it can be done in the classiest of fucking ways…..I also like that she doesn’t give a fuck, you know part of being a millionaire for being hot, with top grade millionaires throwing their semen at her….and in being as punk as she is…she always gets topless or naked, when paid or unpaid, cuz why bother not being naked… That said, I’m not sure why her pants are undone. But I’m glad they are…. Maybe she’s airing out her well traveled, tired, dirty twat I wish I could taste…. Maybe I should stop focusing on that…because this is the kid of shit that can motivate me to try to convince mom’s in the park to undo their pants…and that’s the kind of shit that gets me arrested…or hurt…. To See the Rest of the Pics FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Kate Moss Forgets to Do Up Her Pants of the Day

Paz de la Huerta by the Pool for Terry Richardson of the Day

Paz de la Huerta is some crackhead or meth addicted looking hipster bitch who looks the right amount of haggard for me to want to have sex with her….She’s recently become Terry Richardson’s must, and he’s got pics of her all over his site, because she’s a crazy hipster bitch who gets naked wherever she goes….maybe because she likes it, maybe because she’s fucked up and doesn’t know what she’s doing, or maybe because she knows Terry Richardson is right now the top of the fashion photography game, and that people are watching him, and thus watching her…..you know some backlash from being fired from Boardwalk Empire, the gig I’m sure she thought was gonna make her a big deal…and I guess it kinda did….but the ride is over and now she’s doing all she can do to stay relevant…it’s hard out there for an aspiring bitch who loves getting naked….and at least she’s getting naked…..next time I hope for more pussy lip.

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Paz de la Huerta by the Pool for Terry Richardson of the Day