Tag Archives: gutter-tanning

Maryse Ouellet Modeling Her New Bikini Line of the Day

Maryse Ouellet is some 30 year old Montreal chick living in LA who I have never met because I didn’t frequent the stripclub she was working at before becoming a WWE model, wrestler, set of fake tits to make the experience of watching the shit less homoerotic, gay for pay, foreplay…. Apparently she has leveraged her low level of fame into a line of bikinis and since I encourage strippers to diversify their efforts, sure usually I’m working them to give me a blowjob in the booth, but a bikini line is okay too, especially when you spent all that money on your tits… Here are some of the catalog shots…they would look great on the walls of a gutter tanning salon….

See the rest here:
Maryse Ouellet Modeling Her New Bikini Line of the Day